Cantemus Cum Spiritu

Cantemus Cum Spiritu is a special venture set up by They Shall Laugh &  Sing to give advanced singers, whose own choirs do not necessarily get regular opportunities to sing in a cathedral, the chance to do so.

The people we are looking for are singers who would consider themselves leaders within their own choirs and are confident in learning music and preparing themselves for events in advance. You should arrive at events feeling that you know, or can sight read the music well, and that you will not be relying on others. 

On these events we aim not to do any note-bashing. This is an opportunity for good musicians to develop their vocal and performance techniques. 

We meet several times each year for one day events at cathedrals and then have a residential course at one cathedral during the summer.

If you think you might be a good fit for this choir, please email on [email protected]

The upcoming dates for Cantemus Cum Spiritu are as follows: