Cantemus Cum Spiritu At Lincoln Cathedral 19th & 20th October 2024

Cantemus Cum Spiritu events are for advanced singers, and exist in order to allow people who are considered leaders within their own choirs to have  the chance to come together to sing music to a high level. It is taken as read that, if you choose to apply for a Cantemus event, you will arrive either fully prepared musically or able to sight-read the music. The expected standard is that each singer will be capable of holding their own line, without the aid of singers around them, in order that, at the start of each event, we can hit the ground running and take your singing to another level.

Cantemus Cum Spiritu exists to help singers to find the joy in church music in the hope that the experience of working with other singers of a similar level will have a knock-on effect on the health and strength of their home choirs. We start each event from the point of being confident that we know the notes and words, so that we have the chance to really explore the music and to enable all the singers to reach their expressive potential.

On 19th & 20th October we will be singing the weekend services at Lincoln Cathedral.

We will meet at 10.50 am on the Saturday for an 11 am rehearsal. Lunch is at 1 pm and we reconvene at 2.30 pm to rehearse for a 5.30 Evensong. On the Sunday we come together at 8.45 for a 10am Eucharist and then. after the service will rehearse again from 11.30 – 1pm. In the afternoon we will work from 2.15 for a 3.45 Evensong.

The music is yet to be confirmed but will include a varied programme of familiar and less familiar works.

We will be taking a maximum of 36 singers 12 Sopranos 8 Altos, 8 Tenors and 8 Basses.

Participants are free to choose their own accommodation and make their own plans for travel.

The fee for this weekend is £70.00

You could get a 10% discount on this event

by joining the They Shall Laugh and Sing Alchemy Group

Click the logo to find out more about the benefits of joining.




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