Cantemus Cum Spiritu at St. Paul’s Cathedral 23rd September 2024

Cantemus Cum Spiritu events are for advanced singers, and exist in order to allow people who are considered leaders within their own choirs to have  the chance to come together to sing music to a high level. It is taken as read that, if you choose to apply for a Cantemus event, you will arrive either fully prepared musically or able to sight-read the music. The expected standard is that each singer will be capable of holding their own line, without the aid of singers around them, in order that, at the start of each event, we can hit the ground running and take your singing to another level.

Cantemus Cum Spiritu exists to help singers to find the joy in church music in the hope that the experience of working with other singers of a similar level will have a knock-on effect on the health and strength of their home choirs. We start each event from the point of being confident that we know the notes and words, so that we have the chance to really explore the music and to enable all the singers to reach their expressive potential.

On 23rd September 2024 we will be singing evensong at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The programme for the day will be as follows:

14.00 Meet at the Crypt Cafe and go together and rehearse.

15.30 Rehearse in Cathedral

17.00 Evensong

The music is yet to be decided.

Uniform for the day will be white shirt (plain, with collar and long sleeves, tucked in), black skirt (of at least knee length) or trousers, plain black tie for the men, black shoes.

The fee for the day will be £25.00. Bookings must be made by 30th June 2023. If a singer books but is not selected, their fee will be returned. If a singer cancels for any reason, fees will not normally be refunded after 30th June 2023, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

There will be 50 places available. 18 Sopranos 12 Altos, 10 Tenors, 10 Basses


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