Group Singing Lesson in Chard, Somerset 6th July 2024

So many choral singers long to be better. They yearn for the feeling that they can be confident in their voices, that they make a good sound, that they sing in tune, and that they can reach the low or high notes with ease.

BUT the majority of singers are too shy to go to an individual singing lesson, or feel they haven’t the time or the money to invest in regular lessons.

Here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to solve those issues and to learn to be a truly confident singer, without having to splash out loads of money in one go.

Jeff Stewart is an internationally renowned tenor who has gained high praise for his performances of many of the great leading tenor roles of the classical opera and concert repertoire. He is also a renowned choir trainer, and a teacher at the Royal College of Music.

His reputation is built on his ability to help people to relax, and to understand how their body really works in singing, and to inspire them to sing with confidence and freedom. Do you long to find your voice and to stand up and let it fly with ease, whether as a soloist or as a member of the chorus? Then this is the day to help you.

During a two hour workshop, Jeff will lead you through the fundamentals of good, “bel-canto” vocal technique so that you can get the best out of your voice. He will help you to address your range, the quality of your sound, and your tuning and put you on a path towards fulfilling your potential.

In addition he will help you to address the fears which often afflict singers, and teach you methods of getting a strong mindset with regard to your singing.

Our mission at They Shall Laugh & Sing is to make the world a happier place through singing, and we guarantee that you will leave this class feeling like a much better and more confident singer.

As with all our events, the atmosphere will be relaxed, friendly and humorous, giving you the perfect situation in which to find the very best of yourself.

As an added bonus, by signing up for this class you will offered a one month free membership of our Alchemy Group.

The class will take place from 11am-1pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Furnham Road, Chard, TA20 1AE

Places are limited so early booking is essential.

Fee £30


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